Posted 22 May 2024
Sealed bids for the construction of Phase I of the Water Distribution System Improvement Project will be received by the Corporation of Harpers Ferry until 2:00 p.m. on 25 June 2024, at which time the bids received will be publicly opened and read. The project consists of approximately 8,800 linear feet of water transmission main replacement (1" through 10" diameter) along with service laterals, water storage tank rehabilitation, pressure reducing vault, and all required appurtenances. Click here to read the full advertisement for bids.
WV Rivers Coalition has recognized Harpers Ferry with a Source Water Community award. Harpers Ferry and Marlinton are the first two communities in WV to receive this award. A water utility earns the designation as a Source Water Community if they take an active role in protecting the waters that serve as their drinking water source. To receive the designation of a Source Water Community, a water utility must partner with the community on source water protection projects and issue a Proclamation celebrating Drinking Water Week during the first week of May. Read more here.
Though we may not necessarily be in a full-blown drought, the water level in the Elks Run has been dropping significantly. Elks Run is the small clear-running stream that the towns of Bolivar and Harpers Ferry, as well as surrounding parts of Jefferson County, draw their drinking water from. At the same time, people tend to require more water to keep lawns green, swimming pools full, and gardens growing. Unfortunately, with this ongoing limited rainfall, we have been forced to begin drawing water from the Potomac River. If we don't take this action now, our storage tanks will not be capable of keeping up with the demand. The quality and safety of the Potomac draw will be at the same level as Elks Run water. All required permits with the State of Maryland are in place, and the West Virginia Department of Health has been notified.
During the summer months, and throughout the year, consider minimizing non-essential water usage, check often for leaks, and make repairs in a timely fashion. Read more here.
Harpers Ferry Water Works customers may pay water and sewer bills in person at Town Hall using cash, check, or money order. Customers who pay by check will pay with one check only for the total of the water and sewer charges, made out to Harpers Ferry Water Works.
Optionally, customers may pay online at an external water account page (click here) using a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover). Please note that there is a fee charged by a third-party vendor for this service — 3% of the amount or $2.50, whichever is greater. Neither Harpers Ferry Water Works nor the Corporation of Harpers Ferry receive any part of this fee.
Registering at the above website is also a good way to view your balance and past payments (for free). Keep in mind that a payment made one day will not be updated in the account on the website until the next day.
Harpers Ferry Water Works emergency notification system
The Harpers Ferry Water Works utilizes an emergency notification system to notify water customers in case of a public emergency. Signing up for the program is optional and your contact information will be kept confidential.
The system, Message911, is very flexible, in that it can notify all customers or just those in a certain neighborhood where a problem occurs. Messages are sent out simultaneously to all designated recipients so there is no delay in notification. Customers may choose two methods of communication from the following four choices: voice on your landline; voice on your cell phone; text message on your cell phone; or e-mail message. If you choose text notification, you will be sent an “opt-in” message to legally comply with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations.
To register for the Message911 system, please complete the sign-up form (click here to access the form) and submit it to Harpers Ferry Town Hall. Your information will be entered into a customer database. If you have questions about signing up for this program, contact the Harpers Ferry Town Hall at 304-535-2206, ext. 3.
The first water works in Harpers Ferry was built in 1810 to provide fire protection to the buildings of the Harpers Ferry Arsenal, which was constructed by the federal government in 1799. The Harpers Ferry Water Works, Inc., was incorporated on 23 December 1935 by William Franklin Andes and Henry T. McDonald of Harpers Ferry, and Thomas Rutherford Moore of Charles Town. The purchase of the system by the Corporation of Harpers Ferry was approved by the West Virginia Public Service Commission on 29 June 1949.
The Harpers Ferry Water Commission, in its advisory capacity, was created to assist the Town Council in carrying out its responsibilities in administering, operating, and maintaining the Harpers Ferry Water Works in a professional, efficient, and financially sound manner. The Commission consists of "at least three and not more than six members, all but one of whom shall be residents of Harpers Ferry, except that the member who is not a Harpers Ferry resident shall be a resident of the Harpers Ferry Water Works service area" (Ordinance Article 901.02). For complete information, refer to Article 901 of the Codified Ordinances of Harpers Ferry.
All meetings of the Water Commission are open to the public. Regular meetings are held upstairs at Town Hall at 4:45 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month. Please refer to the official calendar on the homepage of this website for the actual date.
SEAT 1: Kevin
Ostroski, voting representative from Jefferson County (term
expires 31 Dec 2027)
Elizabeth Riordan (term expires 31 Dec 2026)
SEAT 3: Joseph
Howsare (voting representative from Corporation of Bolivar (term
expires 31 Dec 2027)
SEAT 4: Chris
Craig (term expires 31 Dec 2027)
SEAT 5: Kim
Wheatley (term expires 31 Dec 2025)
SEAT 6: Michael
Rock, Acting Chair (term expires 31 Dec 2025)
Chris Styer,
Chief Water Operator / Class II Water Operator
(vacant), Class II Water Operator
Shawn Veney, Class I Water Operator
Ryan Slusher, Class I Water Operator
Cathy Spalding, Water Clerk
Ordinance Article 905
(includes current water tariffs)
List of Water System Improvements
Updated Sep 2019
Proposed Project Presentation
Apr 2015
Consumer Confidence Reports:
Harpers Ferry Water Services Master Plan
Sep 2019
Source Water Protection Plan for Harpers Ferry Water Works
Jun 2019
Water Works: 304-535-2206
Water Plant: 304-535-6555
Corporation of
1000 W Washington St
PO Box 217
Harpers Ferry WV 25425
Telephone: 304-535-2206
Monday to Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Closed to the public on Fridays
Official Forms and Applications
(including water and sewer service forms)
(Agendas, minutes, meeting documents, and audiovisual recordings – 2020 to present)
(2011 through 2019)
Older meeting minutes may be obtained from the Water Clerk.
Payments to the Harpers Ferry Water Works can be made using cash, check, or money order in person at Harpers Ferry Town Hall. Payments may also be made online by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover) at the external water account page (click here).
(Please note that there is a fee charged by a third-party vendor for the online payment service — 3% of the amount or $2.50, whichever is greater. Neither Harpers Ferry Water Works nor the Corporation of Harpers Ferry receive any part of this fee.)
In addition to serving residents of Harpers Ferry, the Water Works also serves residents of Bolivar and surrounding areas.
Note: This number should be used for emergencies only. All billing questions must be referred to Water Clerk Angie Cummings at Harpers Ferry Town Hall during normal business hours.